2008-202 Celebrating 20 years BURNETT AREA ARTS burnetta rtsgroup.org Shop now for your Valentine at the Northwest Passage 314 Unique, affordable, handmade gifts Large variety. Gift certificates available. Support local artists! (KWD) northwestpassage gallery CONNECT CREATE INSPIRE One mile south of Webster Fri, Sat, Sun 11-4 burnettareaartsgroup.org BAA is a 501 (3)c nonprofit arts organization 2008-202 Celebrating 20 years BURNETT AREA ARTS burnetta rtsgroup.org Shop now for your Valentine at the Northwest Passage 314 Unique , affordable , handmade gifts Large variety . Gift certificates available . Support local artists ! ( KWD ) northwestpassage gallery CONNECT CREATE INSPIRE One mile south of Webster Fri , Sat , Sun 11-4 burnettareaartsgroup.org BAA is a 501 ( 3 ) c nonprofit arts organization