Grantsburg School District Bond Referendum Vote: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 PROPOSED SOLUTIONS 1. Provide safe and secure building entrance along with traffic improvements for 52 1 2. Improve aging building systems and components our students and staff 4. Address the shortage of programming space for physical education, athletics, co-curricular, and community use 3 4 3. Improve student learning spaces and opportunities SITE CONCEPT PLAN TAX IMPACT Scan the QR code with your phone or tablet's camera for the tax calculator. For an estimate of your individual tax impact, visit the tax calculator page on the District's website at Renovation Addition Question 2 - High School Multi-Purpose Gym VISIT OUR WEBSITE Prepared and paid for by Grantsburg School District, 480 East James Avenue, Grantsburg, WI 54840 Grantsburg School District Bond Referendum Vote: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 PROPOSED SOLUTIONS 1. Provide safe and secure building entrance along with traffic improvements for 52 1 2. Improve aging building systems and components our students and staff 4. Address the shortage of programming space for physical education, athletics, co-curricular, and community use 3 4 3. Improve student learning spaces and opportunities SITE CONCEPT PLAN TAX IMPACT Scan the QR code with your phone or tablet's camera for the tax calculator. For an estimate of your individual tax impact, visit the tax calculator page on the District's website at Renovation Addition Question 2 - High School Multi-Purpose Gym VISIT OUR WEBSITE Prepared and paid for by Grantsburg School District, 480 East James Avenue, Grantsburg, WI 54840